v1.4 final

By , January 25, 2011 01:24

I think v1.4 is stable enough to finalise version number.


  • Added: you can open all task tab on page load using “list=-1” query string parameter or “#alltasks” or “#list/-1”
  • Added: need to confirm page close if task was edited and not saved
  • Added: ability to use feed of current tasks (without completed). Use “feed=current” parameter.
  • Enhanced: added date of task completion to RSS feed
  • Bugfix: show all tags not working in task add form if the form was opened for the first time

Soon I’ll publish a tool to easily create translations for myTinyTodo.

33 Responses to “v1.4 final”

  1. Roberto says:

    hi max. in your todo list, is there to implement recurring tasks?


  2. Siaržuk Piatroúski says:


  3. Joe Parker says:

    Just keeps getting better and better!

  4. viktor says:

    awesome work! compliments! when will the multi-user-version be ready?
    We would really need it for our company 🙂

  5. Bilal says:

    Can it be possible to make it a website like remember the milk, meaning different users can login and see/edit/create their tasks ?


  6. Ghost says:

    Hello Max! My congratulations with 1.4 release of MTT!
    MTT is great – simple and easy.

    But i wanted to ask you if you would move MTT to Open Source collaborative sites like GitHub or BitBucket?

    And a kind of feature request 🙂

    There was a thought that it would be useful to add navigation using keyboard shortcuts to increase working speed with MTT.
    For example:
    up/down keys would select active task in task list.
    left/right keys – expand and collapse selected item.
    Ctrl+left/right – switch between task lists

    What you think about it?


    • Max Pozdeev says:

      myTinyTodo mercurial repository is on Google Code.

      About keyboard navigation. There is no such term as “active task” in myTinyTodo. I can say that today I do not want to implement this, or may be just for tests.

      Could you please show an example where items in list selected by up/down keys?

      • Ghost says:

        Not in MTT actually, but for example in new Google search results page: You search, and then up/down keys to select through sites in results list and Right key to view thumbnail of site – that is really quick…

  7. jm says:

    Thank you for this software, that corresponds exactly to my needs. 🙂

    • jm says:

      By the way, I’ve got a feature improvement: the research tool is not fully usefull: some languages are using accents, and the research do not concider that “é” and “É” are the same letter, even if “e” and “E” are the same (for the research tool).
      For example, google and a large part of the research engines are concidering that “é”, “É”, “e” and “E” are the same letters.

  8. Siaržuk Piatroúski says:

    Backup for SQLite. Download from http://dl.dropbox.com/u/1001363/mytinytodo-sqlite-backup.7z

    See readme.txt!

  9. Abweichler says:

    For a long Time i search for a good and simple ToDoList. I found a Masterpiece!!

    Perfect! Thnak you!


  10. orzi says:

    Thank you very much for myTinyTodo! It’s great!

  11. sauldraws says:

    simple addition let you add tasks (or at least populate the field) via URL – (and via utilities like Quicksilver, Alfred, Launchbar or Launchy)

    URL scheme: #add/this is an actual task

    addition at line 697 of mytinytodo.js

    case “add”:
    $(‘#task_placeholder span’).hide();
    occurs to me that if the delimiter for the smart was something like an hyphen or the ‘@’, instead of a forward slash, we could add tags this way as well

    • Max Pozdeev says:

      This will use a string after ‘#add/’ as a task, including slashes:

      case "add":
      var str = decodeURI(a.slice(i+1).join('/'));
      if(str != '') {
      i = a.length;

  12. karl07 says:

    sorry, found out myself, how settings to show completed tasks can be set. still i get this error message:
    Notice: ‘Undefined property: stdClass::$uid’ in /Library/WebServer/Sites/kpv.st/k1/kpv/sites/all/modules/mytinytodo/mytinytodo/ajax.php:595 #0 /Library/WebServer/Sites/kpv.st/k1/kpv/sites/all/modules/mytinytodo/mytinytodo/ajax.php(595): myErrorHandler(8, ‘Undefined prope…’, ‘/Library/WebSer…’, 595, Array) #1 /Library/WebServer/Sites/kpv.st/k1/kpv/sites/all/modules/mytinytodo/mytinytodo/ajax.php(97): have_write_access(5) #2 /Library/WebServer/Sites/kpv.st/k1/kpv/includes/module.inc(274): require_once(‘/Library/WebSer…’) #3 /Library/WebServer/Sites/kpv.st/k1/kpv/sites/all/modules/mytinytodo/mytinytodo.module(35): module_load_include(‘php’, ‘mytinytodo’, ‘mytinytodo/ajax’) #4 [internal function]: mytinytodo_ajax_inc() #5 /Library/WebServer/Sites/kpv.st/k1/kpv/includes/menu.inc(348): call_user_func_array(‘mytinytodo_ajax…’, Array) #6 /Library/WebServer/Sites/kpv.st/k1/kpv/index.php(18): menu_execute_active_handler() #7 {main}


  13. Nandi Asomuga says:

    I am not sure how to load all task during page load,

    Where do I put it?

  14. Jonas says:

    i would have a sort by title. anybody who can help me?

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