v1.7 stable

By , November 3, 2022 16:23

Final version of 1.7 is released after 2 months of beta-testing. Some bugs were caught and fixed, some new features implemented (and new bugs).

JavaScript part is migrating to ECMAScript-2015 (ES6).

Also I started to implement internal API for extensions. Extensions will be used for tests of new features and experiments before merging to the main codebase. Will try to make it stable, so you can create you own for your needs.

First introduced extension is Notifications. Used to send emails and telegram messages about new tasks in your lists. To enable it you have to expand the archive extensions.tag.gz in ‘ext’ folder and then go to settings to activate it. To send telegrams you need to create your own telegram bot and specify its token in extension settings.

Full changelog – https://www.mytinytodo.net/history.php

Download at https://www.mytinytodo.net/download.php

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