v1.4 beta 3

By , January 9, 2011 01:04

New beta available for download.

Some bugs were fixed. Added export to iCalendar.

29 Responses to “v1.4 beta 3”

  1. roger w says:

    hi Max,

    Many thanks for mytinytodo, I’ve been using it the past week and am pretty happy with it. Now the but 🙂

    I grab the RSS feed of my todo list and pass it to rss2email to receive regular emails (I know there’s also a mailer someone wrote).

    The problem is there’s no way to tell completed tasks from current ones. Would it be possible to add something to an RSS item to indicate it was completed?

    The other option would be a setting to toggle exporting completed items via RSS. I want them in the database for reference but don’t need to be notified about them every day.

    I currently move completed tasks to a completed list which is a rather kludgy solution.


  2. roger w says:

    hey again Max,

    sorry, I should’ve peeked at the code before mailing you. Here’s a trivial patch implementing the feedtype=current which solves my problem.

    have fun,

    *** feed.php.orig 2011-01-12 13:48:19.000000000 +0100
    — feed.php 2011-01-12 13:40:26.000000000 +0100
    *** 32,37 ****
    — 32,42 —-
    $listData[‘_uid_field’] = ‘d_edited’;
    $listData[‘_feed_descr’] = $lang->get(‘feed_modified_tasks’);
    + elseif($feedType == ‘current’) {
    + $listData[‘_uid_field’] = ‘d_created’;
    + $listData[‘_feed_descr’] = $lang->get(‘feed_new_tasks’);
    + $sqlWhere = ‘AND compl=0’;
    + }
    else {
    $listData[‘_uid_field’] = ‘d_created’;
    $listData[‘_feed_descr’] = $lang->get(‘feed_new_tasks’);

  3. Sherri says:

    Great work. Looking forward to the demo of the new version.

    I’m currently using version 1.3.5 and looks like a lot has been improved since then!

  4. yuriy says:

    myTinyTodo 1.4b3 Setup

    Fatal Error: ‘Column length too big for column ‘tags’ (max = 255); use BLOB or TEXT instead’ in /home/****/public_html/it/class.db.mysql.php:24
    #0 /home/****/public_html/it/class.db.mysql.php(140): DatabaseResult_Mysql->__construct(‘ALTER TABLE mtt…’, Object(Database_Mysql), 1)
    #1 /home/****/public_html/it/class.db.mysql.php(116): Database_Mysql->_dq(‘ALTER TABLE mtt…’, NULL, 1)
    #2 /home/****/public_html/it/setup.php(619): Database_Mysql->ex(‘ALTER TABLE mtt…’)
    #3 /home/****/public_html/it/setup.php(246): update_131_14(Object(Database_Mysql), ‘mysql’)
    #4 {main}

  5. Pham says:

    Thank you for great work. I would appropriate if you add some capcha feature for the log-in form, in case of brute fore attack of the password.

    For a while I have a work-around with mod_security rule:

    SecAction “initcol:ip=%{REMOTE_ADDR},pass,nolog”
    # Detect failed login attempts
    SecRule RESPONSE_BODY “\”logged\”:0″ “phase:4,pass,setvar:ip.failed_logins=+1,expirevar:ip.failed_logins=60”
    # Block subsequent login attempts
    SecRule IP:FAILED_LOGINS “@gt 3” deny

  6. AidarJan says:

    It’s a great work, thanks.

    I find that ‘show all’ at tags input don’t work if date on calendar already chosen on add task page. But if i first select ‘show all’ tags, it works perfect.

    ver. 1.4b3

    and also, maybe you add some features in future:
    1) duplicate task – it’s will be very good where same tasks with small changes
    2) repeat task – very useful too if there are some tasks repeated every day, week, month or other else for example
    3) subcategory

    Thanks’ for your work!

  7. mdss says:

    Так ждал многопользовательского режима и не дождался (

    • Max Pozdeev says:

      Я не отказываюсь от планов сделать многопользовательскую версию.

  8. doublezero says:

    why when i mark task as done it disapears?
    i want it to be faded or striked like in previous versions…
    how to do that?

  9. doublezero says:

    another question… is there any way i can make default tab to be “all tasks”?

  10. gerald says:

    i really miss the sorting tab. sorting by due date was a really important feature. i can’t see any sorting options in the settings either. could you please bring it back in the next version?

  11. Jon says:

    Hi! I just started using the todo list and already found a feature that would be great and probably very easy to implement, a list that contains all the different lists content. Give it a thought! Great job!

    Best regards Jon

  12. Frank says:

    Anything new on this? Any updates coming down the pipeline?

  13. Reiner says:


    The todo list is a great work.
    Is there a way in spite password protected mode edit individual tabs to release to the public?


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