v1.7 stable

By , November 3, 2022 16:23

Final version of 1.7 is released after 2 months of beta-testing. Some bugs were caught and fixed, some new features implemented (and new bugs).

JavaScript part is migrating to ECMAScript-2015 (ES6).

Also I started to implement internal API for extensions. Extensions will be used for tests of new features and experiments before merging to the main codebase. Will try to make it stable, so you can create you own for your needs.

First introduced extension is Notifications. Used to send emails and telegram messages about new tasks in your lists. To enable it you have to expand the archive extensions.tag.gz in ‘ext’ folder and then go to settings to activate it. To send telegrams you need to create your own telegram bot and specify its token in extension settings.

Full changelog – https://www.mytinytodo.net/history.php

Download at https://www.mytinytodo.net/download.php

40 Responses to “v1.7 stable”

  1. Andrew says:

    Is there a way to delete completed tasks all at once? Right now, I am deleting them one by one and when there is a long list, this is tedious.

  2. bernd says:

    I really love this application, it is quick, non-bloated, and easy to set up.

  3. alias says:

    when will you add an option so users can register and make their own boards? for now it’s available only for 1 man

  4. Mark says:

    Love your app. Here’s a big request – Telegram integration 😀 ok I think it’s a long shot but would be great.

    • Max Pozdeev says:

      What kind of integration do you mean?
      v1.7 has notification extension with Telegram
      support, you can test it.

      • Mark says:

        Perfect this is probably all that’s needed… I didn’t see the release notes for the latest version. Thanks will try it.

  5. Guy says:

    Great, however I can’t get the bot I made with the BotFather to work in telegram, indeed when I put the token to access HTTP API that it generates in the field: notifications.h_token
    it is written in red “notifications.no_bot_info” when I save in the settings, is it another token? how to get it?

  6. Guy says:

    It works well if I write :
    (And I have remplaced the with Telegram Bot API token from @BotFather)
    But your Notifications v1.0 Settings say :
    Can not get bot info, seems token is invalid

  7. Guy says:

    It works well if I write : https://api.telegram.org/bot{token}/GetMe (And I have remplaced the {token} with Telegram Bot API token from @BotFather) But your Notifications v1.0 Settings say : Can not get bot info, seems token is invalid

  8. Guy says:

    Otherwise I think your system is great, however to be absolutely perfect to be several to do tasks with a manager, it may be necessary to have an intermediate setting between the mode with password and the public mode …. i.e. to be able to just put the check mark in the checkbox to indicate that the task is done, if “Password protection” is “Enabled” (but the rest is needed the password, as is currently the case).

  9. Mark says:

    Hello, did you test dark mode in Vivaldi or Opera? I’ve been using this software for awhile and love it, upgraded recently to 1.7.3 but unfortunately dark mode only appears to work correctly when using FireFox. In Vivaldi/Opera it displays as normal white screen but in the developer tools you can see dark.css is loaded – viewing the same in Firefox works as expected. Have any ideas of what I can do?

    Thank you.

    • Max Pozdeev says:

      Hi! I do not test in Opera or Vivaldi because they both are based on Chromium and should have the same html/css/js compatibility. Just tested in latest versions of Opera and Vivaldi – dark mode is working as expected. What is the version of your browser?

      • Mark says:

        Hi, thanks for testing. I’ve cleared cache, disk, started private windows, etc. and can’t get the dark mode to appear. I’m currently using Opera Version:97.0.4719.28 (on Linux), Vivaldi 5.7.2921.65 (Stable channel, 64-bit on Windows 10), Microsoft Edge (112.0.1722.34, Official build, 64-bit on Windows 10), all of these show the standard light mode, but Firefox 111.0.1 (64-bit on Linux) works perfectly (standard window and private window). I’m not sure what could possibly be an issue with it not showing on the other browsers.

    • Max Pozdeev says:

      You use fresh versions, so everything should be ok with your browsers.
      Just tested in Edge (v112.0.1722.34, Windows 10 22H2 64-bit) – works as expected.

      Please test the demo page at https://mytinytodo.net/demo/ in your browsers. Probably there is an issue in your mytinytodo setup.

    • Max Pozdeev says:

      Support of dark mode in chromium-based browsers in linux is not so good.
      They all can not detect system dark theme (as of KDE Plasma I tested), and you have to enable dark theme in browser preferences.
      Even with that, Chromium and Vivaldi does not enable dark mode on websites.
      Opera and Brave and Yandex use dark mode where needed as expected.

  10. Mark says:

    Hi, thanks for testing. I’ve cleared cache, disk, started private windows, etc. and can’t get the dark mode to appear. I’m currently using Opera Version:97.0.4719.28 (on Linux), Vivaldi 5.7.2921.65 (Stable channel, 64-bit on Windows 10), Microsoft Edge (112.0.1722.34, Official build, 64-bit on Windows 10), all of these show the standard light mode, but Firefox 111.0.1 (64-bit on Linux) works perfectly (standard window and private window). I’m not sure what could possibly be an issue with it not showing on the other browsers.

  11. Mark says:

    Thanks for getting back to me. This should be so dead-simple but it escaped me – until I re-read your last statement about the browsers “unable to detect system dark theme”. That got me thinking. I’ve searched your release / change logs and comments, etc and it was never specifically mentioned that you have to change your browsers theme to dark first, then/and only then, will MTTD enable its dark mode.

    I was under the impression that MTTD would just load its dark.css theme based on the MTTD app settings, not the browser settings. So, if anyone else needs clarity, you must enable dark mode theme in the your browser first in order to see dark mode in MTTD.

    Thank you for giving me that last hint! I’m a very happy user now, and I love MTTD.

  12. BUNNIE says:

    1.6.10 After upgrading to 1.7~1.8, “Some error occurred (click for details), Bad connection” message will appear when “UPDATE, DELETE”

    PHP7.4 ~ 8.2 are all the same

    After changing it back to 1.6.10, it works normally again. Why?

    • Max Pozdeev says:

      I thought this issue was fixed in v1.7.4 and later.
      Formally, because the front-end part (js) communicates with the back-end (php) using wrong URL.
      If you familiar with browser dev tools, you can see the url in network tab.

      Some questions (you can write me on email):
      1. What url was asked on error (in dev tools)? Check protocol, port and uri part (do not show domain).
      2. Do you use https and some kind of proxy before php, or php-fpm? What is the proxy software?
      3. Did you change mytinytodo settings like ‘url’ or ‘mtt_url’ (you can see in db/config.php file)?

  13. James says:

    1.6.3 After upgrading to 1.7 “Some error occurred (click for details), Bad connection” message will appear.

    php8.0 + mysql8.0

  14. Luiz says:

    Hello Max. How are you? Firstly, congratulations on the excellent tool. I’m trying to update v. 1.6.10 to anything higher and I’m having a problem updating a task. I can add it normally, however, when I try to complete, change or make any other movement in the task I get a 403 error – Access Denied. On localhost there is no problem, but on my web server it does, and when I access the webdev console I get the following error:
    PUT http://SERVER.com/todolist/api.php?_path=/tasks/1

    Can you help?

    • Max Pozdeev says:

      Hi! Very useful information! Please check if you can create new list and rename it after.

      Probably your webserver does not allow to request a PUT and DELETE http methods. Will investigate it.

    • Max Pozdeev says:

      Please check dev console what content do you have on your PUT request?

    • Max Pozdeev says:

      If you use Apache please try to create .htaccess file in the root of mytinytodo with directives:

        Allow from all
      • Luiz says:

        Hi Max! I appreciate the quick response. And to answer your first question, I can create, but not edit or rename. The second question, about the console and PUT, I can’t answer, as I’m not a programmer, just a weekend hobbyist, so I wouldn’t know how to access this information. Regarding your third question, yes, with these directives I was finally able to edit, delete, save and do what needs to be done with the script! It worked out! Congratulations and thanks for your help!

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